Scarecrow from Batman: Arkham Asylum (videogame)
Scarecrow Mask
This was a class assignment where we were to take a monster or villain and recreate a mask of them by only using common household objects. I chose Scarecrow from the Batman series, but done in the style of one of the video games.
I created the base of the mask out of two Kleenex boxes held together by tape. I then built up the face using cardboard pieces. After which I made homemade playdough and covered the base in the playdough, letting the dough harden over night. From there I cut up two Gatorade bottles and sprayed them to become the "gas mask" part of the mouth. I finished up by painting the face and detail on the dough and added some yarn to the mouth to add depth. To make the hood, I cut up two backpacks and sewed them together.